Good prospects for business and the environment
Making a mess is easy, but keeping things tidy is a necessary evil for most people. You can’t argue about the result: There is hardly anything more beautiful than an apartment sparkling with cleanliness. Clean dishes, crystal-clear surfaces, fragrant laundry. Luckily we live in modern times! With the right products the dream of shine and a fresh scent can easily become a reality. Blink is right on the spot: The own brand of the successful drugstore chain Müller Handels GmbH makes short work of dirt and stains – whether it’s spring cleaning, crime scene cleaning or holiday cleaning.
Inexpensive and high quality – Blink is always a good choice. The own brand can easily compete with the products of well-known brands. This should also be reflected in the packaging design.
A clean look that is characterized by a reduction to the main elements and a simplification of the claims. Quick assignment, quick understanding, quick cleanliness! The concept works: Thanks to the packaging relaunch, Blink is beaming with joy. And so are we!
The little 1×1 of marketing: Just click and look it up!