Andreas Melters

Managing owner

Create. Brands. Values.

Melters has been an owner-managed advertising agency for integrated communication since 2004. As experienced brand experts, we offer the entire spectrum of communication services for excellent creative output – customized from online to offline.

We reduce complexity, create synergies and ensure greater efficiency between the individual communication disciplines in order to get to the heart of your brand message.

I look forward to hearing from you!

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Managing Director Digital




Creative Director


Senior Art Director




Art Director


Senior Art Director


Senior Art Director




Junior Art Director


Junior Art Director


Creative Director




Online editorial office


Online editorial office


Project management / online editing


Office Management

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Good creation attracts attention. Sympathy. Relevance. Good creation stays in the customer’s head!

We make creation

Because whether online or on the street: the competition is fierce and your message needs to stand out. Be special. This is what we take care of as a creative agency: with good and target group-oriented design.

We can conceptualize

A successful design is the ticket to your customer’s emotional world. But how does your message get there? The complexity of channels has increased enormously due to the digital transformation, but so have the possibilities: The path to your customer is now more diverse than ever – we will guide you safely to your destination.
At a conceptual level and throughout the entire implementation process. As brand specialists, we at the Melters advertising agency are at your side right from the start.

We think digitally

Digital change? We call this expanding opportunities! We show you where your target group is online and how you can best reach them. We use extensive analysis tools and in-house digital specialists to achieve this. The Digital Unit is closely interlinked with all areas of our agency, including consultants, strategists, concept developers and designers. Depending on your requirements, we will put together an individual team for you that has exactly the expertise your brand needs. Nothing more. But no less either.

We know our strengths

This is precisely the strength of the Melters advertising agency: we do not think in terms of advertising media, but focus on your brand and develop customized communication solutions around it.
In short: we create brand experiences. And real added value.

You have a challenge,

we have the right team!


High-selling websites based on the latest SEO and UX findings, intelligent digital signage systems for retailers and editorial social media support with detailed, measurable increases in awareness and image values: this is what the digital team at Melters Werbeagentur around our technical managing director Daniel Gruner does.

Target group

Do you know your target group?Reduce wastage. Maximize profit.        Monday evening. Günther, 58 years old, comes home from work. In the stairwell, he looks in the letterbox and finds ... an invitation to open a nail salon nearby. What happened?...

Web development

Web developmentThe power of web development      Even today in the digital age, there are still companies that do not have a website. However, these are one of the most important means of communication and serve as the company's figurehead. With our...


CrossmediaCross-media success  What do television, radio, magazines and smartphones in common? In addition to many other media, you can become an ambassador for your Brand become. And in the best case scenario, these channels do not merely coexist, but work...

Content marketing

Content marketingSuccess with relevant content  Everyone is probably familiar with content marketing. But what exactly is behind it all? And what is the point of successful content marketing? Generally speaking, it consists of using informative, advisory and...


Brands. Values. Create.The brand agency with added value.  As experienced communications experts, we and our agency are fully committed to creating brand experiences. We sharpen the profile of your brand and bring it to life for your customers. Holistically and...

digital strategy

Digital strategyLet's get digitalA website here, a Facebook account there and an occasional Instagram profile. Maybe another app, because the competition is doing the same thing? A company's digital presence often leads an insular life. However, in order to provide...


Customer Relationship ManagementAre you investing enough in your relationship?Basically, the calculation is quite simple: maintaining existing customer relationships costs companies many times less on average than acquiring new ones. Nevertheless, customer loyalty has...


Conversion trackingOn the trail of your customersWe all have visions and goals - including your website! After all, it should not only look good and work well, but also contribute to the success of your company. The solution: a tool for monitoring success, conversion...


AuditsMaking marketing measurableNew packaging design, a user-friendly website, a meticulously planned cross-media campaign - and yet the expected success still fails to materialize! Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that a marketing strategy will work. The...


Website-RelaunchWhen does a website relaunch make sense?Have you ever considered a website relaunch? Or have you already decided that it's time? The motto here is: Don't act too hastily! It is important to have a clear goal in mind, especially at the beginning. What...


Shop-creationThe digital shopping experienceA last-minute gift for dad's birthday, a book from the bestseller list, a record from the 60s that you can't get anywhere else - online shopping is a great thing! For many years, brick-and-mortar retail suffered from the...


Ad managementIncreasing effectiveness, measuring successIf you want to hold your own against international brands in the long term, there is no way around professional ad management. Strategically thought out and implemented, this will also give your company a...


SeaSearching and finding in the World Wide WebWhat would the digital age be without abbreviations? IT, CRM, SEO ... you could fill entire songs with these abbreviations. They already have. If you are looking for an answer to the question of what SEA actually is, then...


WebsiteLet’s talk about Web, Baby!Your website. With all the advancing digitalization in today's world, it is more important than ever. It is your digital branch, so to speak, and requires a good and professional appearance. Give your website the attention it...

social media

Social MediaGain your customers' trust!Facebook, X, Instagram & Co. - everyone knows them and quite a few people use them. What was originally intended to connect people is now largely used for communication between companies and (potential) customers. And rightly...


Search engine optimization (SEO)Are you still looking or have you already found it?Let's be honest: even the best website is useless if Google can't find it.About searching on the InternetWhat will the weather be like this weekend? Who invented the first car seat...


Online-MarketingNew customers with just a click of a mouse!Are you ready to embark on your journey into the Internet? Or are you already on the road and wondering which direction to take? Achieving your marketing goals on the web can be a bumpy ride at times. No...


MicrositesSkillfully setting the focus on a productIf a company wants to advertise products or services that would not be shown to advantage on the main website but deserve their own presence, a so-called microsite is a sensible solution. But what exactly is it?...


Under the direction of our owner Andreas Melters, our branding team creates unique corporate images, highly emotional print and radio campaigns, precise mailing campaigns, sales promotions and trade fair appearances.

Target group

Do you know your target group?Reduce wastage. Maximize profit.        Monday evening. Günther, 58 years old, comes home from work. In the stairwell, he looks in the letterbox and finds ... an invitation to open a nail salon nearby. What happened?...


MailingNothing beats personal dialog    Mass mailing of e-mails and spam messages? No, thank you! Nobody really wants that. Despite the conceptual proximity, mailings mean something different: the sending of advertising messages by post to a predefined...


DesignWriting in progress–


TextThe power of the right wordsWhether posters, brochures, websites or apps - as a rule, no medium can do without the written word. Sometimes this is quiet and subtle, sometimes loud and powerful. There is no standard formula for the right text, it is based on an...

print advertising

Print advertisingAdvertising in the here & now  Browse through a brochure. Rip open an envelope. Marvel at a poster on the side of the road. What happens away from the desktop and screen offers real experiences. And they stick. This is why traditional print...

name development

Name developmentThe child needs a name. Even before it learns to walk.Would you like to launch a new product on the market, but are still missing the right name? Name development is a major task. Parents in particular know this. This process takes time. After all, the...

Trade fair

Trade fairsThe journey from eye-catcher to handshakeSpot on: Trade fairs and events are unique opportunities to present your company and your products or services in the right light. Here you can shake numerous hands, make contacts and close deals!The right strategy...

brand relaunch

Brand relaunchNew opportunities for your brandCollapsing sales figures. Relentless competitors Declining brand appeal. A horror scenario for every company. Don't worry: you don't have to bury your brand right away. A brand relaunch could be the saving anchor! A...


BrandThe alpha and omega of marketingDo you want to be THE ONE for your customer? The one brand that makes him forget every other competing product?More than just an abstract constructLet's be honest: we all have at least one favorite brand. Whether it's the coffee,...


Logo-DesignYour distinctive trademark.The Egyptians used it. This was also used effectively in ancient Rome and Greece. By the Age of Enlightenment at the latest, it had become completely established: the logo. Put simply, these are symbols that can be made up of text...


ConceptIt all starts with a good ideaIn a way, this sentence has become our secret leitmotif. Why? Because we like to create concepts that have a solid foundation. This means that we don't just start designing and copywriting, we first familiarize ourselves with your...


campaignThe maneuver to your successFun fact: In the 17th century, the French word "campagne" was adopted into German - with the meaning "maneuver". The term was later adapted for commercial use. When we talk about a campaign today, we mean a sum of advertising media...


RadioWe've got something for your ears!Hear us out: good radio spots make their way through the ear canal directly into the heart of your customers. Ideally, they trigger an emotional purchase decision there. And don't be shy: radio advertising via radio works for...

employer branding

Employer BrandingHow to counteract the shortage of skilled workersThere are many great words in the German language. Arbeitgebermarkenbildung, for example. Employer branding means the same thing, but sounds a bit cooler. The aim of employer branding is to position the...

direct marketing

direct marketingHit the mark with your advertising!  Of course we love the world wide web. But let's be honest: from time to time, we all feel a little overwhelmed by the anonymous information that floods in on us every day. How nice it can be to open the...

corporate identity

Corporate Identity (CI)Finding a personality for your company  "Who am I and who do I want to be?" You have probably asked yourself this question before. Why? Because we all strive for authenticity. Because that makes us unmistakable. Not only individuals, but...

corporate design

Corporate DesignGive a face to your brand!  How happy we are at the sight of something familiar! A well-known lettering, a color combination or an image that immediately evokes certain associations in us. A promise. A feeling of security. And the knowledge to...


What is the best way to sell a night cream, a Swiss coffee specialty, a hair gel, a lubricant, a dishwashing liquid or an African board game from the retail shelf? Our packaging team knows this. And creates sophisticated packaging artwork for you that has been proven to increase your sales by up to 20 %.

Target group

Do you know your target group?Reduce wastage. Maximize profit.        Monday evening. Günther, 58 years old, comes home from work. In the stairwell, he looks in the letterbox and finds ... an invitation to open a nail salon nearby. What happened?...


research Writing in progress   _


Packaging DesignWell packaged is half the battleOpening a newly purchased product is an experience for all the senses. The characteristic sound when the protective film is removed from the Nutella jar and the delicious nutty aroma wafts straight into your nose... Or...

Please feel
free to contact us!

Now it’s your turn! Let’s make your brand successful together! We have what it takes – and so does your brand!
Why wait any longer? Call us directly or write to us!